Filters / Deposits

Filter Debris Analysis

In pressurised lubrication systems, proper maintenance and sizing of your filters are essential to maintaining your lubricant cleanliness. In failure occurs, the history of that failure is often contained in the filter. Significant or sudden changes in the differential pressure across the filter usually indicates wear or contamination.

Submitted filters are first dissected and the filter media is examined for degradation. Particulates from the filter are removed through backwashing and/or ultrasonic cleansing and analysed. The particulates removed are also examined microscopically. Moisture and acid content are also determined. Organic contaminants present in the filter can also be analysed. With this information, a determination can be made as to what is causing filter plugging or what the failure was.

This information can:

  • Detect early stages of component failure
  • Bridge the gap between elemental analysis & particle count
  • Determine particle size, type & wear mechanism
  • Facilitate root cause analysis

Wear Debris

Analytical Ferrography

Particles are identified as metallic or non-metallic. Particles are heat-treated to determine high alloy vs. low alloy. Particle size, shape and color are analyzed through a microscope to determine source. Digital images of micropatch tests are also included.


This test is vital to identifying and qualifying contaminants. Many of these contaminants are not detected through routine tests due to particle size or instrument and method limitations.

Deposit/Scale Analysis

The Oil Lab can analyse deposits and scales – determine their makeup and help identify how they formed. The exact series of tests will vary according to the deposit and/or situation, but will generally include spectrographic analysis, quantifying organics, carbonates, and metals.

We then suggest recommendations on how to prevent the deposits forming in the future.

Showing all 2 results

Please select your kits below:
  • £449 for Filter / Deposit analysis

    • Spectrochemical scan to detect Wear and additive metals, Viscosity , PQ Index (Ferrous Debris), Water % and Particle Count (ISO/NAS) cleanliness , microscopic or spectrographic Identification of components.

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  • £249.99 for Sulphated Ash and Phosphorus Test (SAPS)

    • Spectrochemical scan to detect Wear and additive metals, Viscosity ,Sulphated Ash and Phosphorus in oils to meet to current specification from manufacturer recommendations (SAPS) percentage >1% as well as <0.5%

    Please select and enter quantity required: