Gasoil / Red Diesel

With ever changing specifications of fuel and the possible introduction of a biodiesel component, red diesel fuel stored on-site can degrade and become contaminated. At this point it can clog injectors and your diesel engines won’t fire when you most need it.
If excess water accumulates on the bottom of the storage tank, algae and bacteria can grow at the water/fuel interface. Dead algae will break away from the bio-mass and can become suspended in the fuel. This bio-mass can clog injectors.
Off road equipment, heating fuel, standby generators and fire sprinker pumps can be affected in the same way.
Our Red Diesel Fuel Analysis package detects corrosion and contaminant metals, Viscosity, Flash Point, Water content, Sediment by Filtration and a microscopic check for bacteria and fungus.
We can also conduct a Sulphur analysis to ensure the fuel meets low Sulphur requirements.
Showing all 5 results
£150.00 for Gas Oil Analysis for Bio diesel & Sulphur Content
Bio Diesel percentage in gasoil as well as Sulphur content for use in Class A2 and Class D usage for red diesel
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£135 for GOLD- Fuel Contamination
- Silver test and Fingerprint Analysis, to evaluate contamiantion and wrong fuel type, GC-FID.
£110.00 for BRONZE – Fuel Contamination
- Appearance and Sulphur Content by XRF
- ICP metal scan , Flash point , Water content, Particulate Count, appearance and bacteria / fungus check and Sulphur Content
£115 for SILVER – Fuel Contamination
- Fuel Oil ICP metal scan , Flash point , Water content, Particulate Count, appearance and bacteria / fungus check.