
Biodiesel is made by a chemical process known as transesterification, whereby glycerine is separated from animal fat or vegetable oil. The process leaves behind two products — methyl esters (the chemical name for biodiesel) and glycerine (a valuable by-product usually sold to be used in soaps and other products). Biodiesel can be used alone (B100), or blended with petrodiesel for diesel engines and can also be used as a low carbon alternative to heating oil.
The following tests address some of the most common problems users experience with biodiesel and its blends.
They will include:
- Water content
- Cold Filter Plug Point
- Pour Point
- Cloud Point
- Bacteria, Fungi, Mold
- Acid Number
- Ester Content
- Oxidation Stability
We have devised 5 tests in this suite to give a comprehensive programme for our customers
1A – Raw Material test for used cooking oil, tallow or vegetable oil.
Water, contamination and FFA
1B – Test for Glycerol (Glycerine) component after separation.
Basic Physical tests
Bio 2 – Basic test for Biodiesel
Basic Physical tests
Bio 3 – Intermediate test for Biodiesel
Basic Physical tests plus cold filter plugging point.
Bio 4 – Full test for Biodiesel
full analysis tests to the EN14214 Standard.
Based on Environment Agencies Processed Fuel Oil (PFO) protocol we test all biofuels within our ISO17025 accredited lab.
Showing all 6 results
Avgas: Appearance D4176, Existent Gum D381, Water Reaction d1094 & Distillation D86
//echo do_shortcode('[add_to_cart id="72"]'); ?> -
Avgas: Appearance D4176, Existent Gum D381, Water Reaction d1094 & Distillation D86
//echo do_shortcode('[add_to_cart id="72"]'); ?> -
£75 for BIO 3
£59 for BIO 2
£49 for BIO 1B Glycerol
£40 for BIO 1A Raw Material