Q: How long does it take to get my results for Engine oil analysis?
A: We aim to to get your result emailed to you within 3 days upon sample reciept. If you prefer we can also pop a copy in the post for you.

Q: How do I send my sample to you?
A: We will send a pre-paid test kit to you in the post which consists of 30ml or 50ml bottle with labels,syringe and a some tubing to aid you to get the lubricant, you can then post it back to us in our pre-addressed package.

Q: What format do I get my results in?
A: We send out your results in Microsoft Word, but if you prefer we can send in PDF or other formats you choose.

Q: How do I take my Oil sample?
A: We provide a Syringe and long tubing for your convenience with the sample bottle, you then drop the tubing down the dipstick hole about half way into the sump and using the syringe provided take 30ml of oil out and place it into the sample bottle, place the stopper back and screw the cap back on and send it to us.easy and simple

Q: Why do I need to get Oil Analysed?
A: Oil Analysis is a quick and easy way of finding out how healthy your engine is, people get Oil anlaysed for different reasons, Buying a new car, checking the service intervals, long life oil durability, potential failures and there are many more. The engine of any vehicle – car, boat , bike, aeroplane is the most expensive unit within and keeping it healthy will give you many years of trouble free engineering -so why wait buy a kit today.

Q: Can you test for Petrol in Diesel
A: Yes. Petrol and Diesel are made up of a mixture of Hydrocarbons at different length, we look at the different chain lengths and additives to determine the mixture, once this has been confirmed we write a report confirming our findings.

Q: Im buying a new car I need to know the age of the oil can you help?
A: Lubricating oil in a combustion engine deteriorates over a period of time in usage, here at The Oil Lab we monitor the physical and chemical properties of the oil and therefore an increase in soot and metal content together with the viscosity rating will determine the optimal oil change interval

Q: I`ve been told I have contaminated fuel, can you confirm this?
A: Fuel contamination often leads to faulty injectors , fuel line damage and engine failures. the root cause can be mis-fueling e.g. petrol in diesel. water or bacteria within the tank or sometimes even degraded fuel. we can perform analysis to look at the depth of your problem to identify the cause.

Q: I dont know which kit is right for me can I speak with someone first?
A: Of course you can! Call our laboratory where you can speak to a member of our team who will be pleased to answer any questions you have and give advise where possible.